Car seat belt in Ireland Ireland
Last update: March 2017
Use of safety seat belts, while driving in Ireland, is for the driver and all passengers in the car, including the passengers on the rear seats.
If the passengers are kids, the use of child restraint systems is mandatory.
The driver is responsible for ensuring that all passengers under the age of 17 years correctly used child safety seats, seat belts or boosters.
The penalty for violation - € 60.
If the case is considered in the court and you are found as guilty, the fine can reach € 800.
The exceptions are allowed only in case of:
- people wearing a disabled person’s belt;
- people that have certificate issued by a doctor, that due to medical reasons, they should not wear a safety belt;
- driving instructors or driver testers during a lesson or a test;
- police (Gardaí) and members of the Defence Forces on duty;
Only children, under 150cm or 36kgs and traveling in a taxi, are allowed not to use child restrain system.